Or, say you walk by one of a million 7-Eleven's (which, by the way, is a Japanese company, not American - I didn't know this til recently). Just terrible pre-packaged foods, right? No!
Finally, there's a mini-street market behind the hotel in Taipei we stayed at ("The Leofoo" - like "The Peninsula," only not so glamorous) and there is a most amazing hole in the wall shop that serves pork knuckes like you've never had them. And tofu - stewed all day long in lovely meaty juices. It is to die for. And sooooo bad for you. There is pork fat in the rice! And the shop sells out of pork knuckles at 6:30pm so you've gotta get there early and stand in line!
To be continued...next time, esoteric foods. Kind of.
The 7-11s in Hong Kong were the same. I was in heaven. I never did get to a McDonald's, though, because the one time I went in one, the schoolkids had just gotten out and they created a frenetic and intimidating environment.
I'm hungry.
God I'm slavering!
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