Speaking of food, and I love to, this is the generally acknowledged order of the best places for Chinese food in the world:
1) Hong Kong/Taiwan
2) Beijing
3) L.A.
4) San Francisco Bay Area
5) Toronto/Vancouver
Sometimes 5) is placed above 4) - but I'm pretty biased. Any disagreements?
1) Hong Kong/Taiwan
2) Beijing
3) L.A.
4) San Francisco Bay Area
5) Toronto/Vancouver
Sometimes 5) is placed above 4) - but I'm pretty biased. Any disagreements?
Can you really have Beijing / Hong Kong on that list if there, Chinese food is just food?
I guess it depends on what you think of Taiwan, too.
Let's say we're using "Chinese food" as a heuristic category, in a globalized market economy where such distinctions become necessary.
I might not hesitate, though, to say that the same list shows the top five places for simply "food"!
IMHO, in places like Taiwan or Beijing, Shanghai and HK, no food is "just food" or "simply food". I mean, in heaven, will we be able to call it "just food"? And since these places are many steps up the ladder to heaven culinary-wise, I think the same holds.
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