Please don't dismiss me as a spoiled brat when I write that I've been in Kaua'i for the last week. Especially when I admit that most of me did NOT want to go at first. It was a last ditch effort by my parents to stop my downward spiral. And it worked. Hawai'i can be a very healing place - laid back, friendly locals, island breezes, etc. - or a place packed full of tourists and kitsch, depending on where you go. Here are some highlights from the trip.
The view from my hotel room balcony. There's a little sandy path between
those pine trees, right by the beach.
Requisite luau picture. This was a night of the requisite kalua pork and poi (I actually like poi) and haupia.
Horseback riding inland. My horse's name was Nick. He was pretty well behaved.
The Na Pali coast. This was taken on a boat ride along the east side of the island,
which is inaccessible except by water or air.
We saw a baby whale breaching, along with two huge adult escorts. I distinctly remember this moment as the first time I felt really quite calm and happy all alone in a long time. The captain was playing some awful music over the loud speaker ("Celebration") and I was alone on the top deck, munching on a cookie and watching the whales and feeling very amused by the whole scenario. I felt quite content with my own company then, which is saying a lot.
One last picture, also from our boat trip.
An auspicious way to end our last evening.
A baby whale and a rainbow. Okay, I gotta confess that I am jealous. All I saw was a turtle on my last trip to Maui. Also, gotta love that crash helmet :-)
Seriously, though. I'm glad that you experienced a measure of contentment in your solitude, in spite of the horrible music. May it be the first of many such moments in the days and weeks to come.
Thanks, Jenn. Actually, if it makes you feel better, the ride back on the boat was cold and very, very wet. Being huddled on the deck and covered in sea spray in the dark can make baby whales seem a little hum-drum.
Ahh, I was wondering what island you were marooned on! The pictures are really pretty. Are you going to become a baker's apprentice now?!?! I'd be deeply jealous.
It's not so much the views or Nick the Horse or even the damn whale (although that's pretty cool) but those parents of yours... If only they had a son, I'd leave all this and do my best to marry in.
I hope today was a good day.
Thinking of you,
hi there janjan, i am trying to post a comment, but you know, i am not so savvy with the know-hows of blogging, posting a comment, etc. don't even know how to do facebook properly. oh well...
your pics of hawaii are so beautiful. i do remember from my trip to hawaii that i almost broke my back as this huge wave that i was trying to foolishly jump thru twirled me around and knocked me on the ocean floor. boy, did i learn a lesson or two about nature. wish i could be in hawaii instead of dry desert land Arizona
i loved reading your conversation with god. it was both precious and humorous. love god's humor. ;)
take care, van thy
Mindbogglingly gorgeous. I love your parents (and you, of course :)).
- Marian (I'm mysteriously logged out again)
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